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The heartbreaking story of Nikita Boiarskyi, an 18-year-old Ukrainian refugee who went missing in Winnipeg on May 21, 2024, has left an indelible mark on the community. Nikita’s disappearance and the subsequent discovery of his body at the Niakwa Country Club golf course on May 29 have highlighted the crucial importance of community support, coordination, and preparedness in responding to missing person cases. This tragedy has prompted a deep reflection on how we, as a community, can come together to support affected families and improve our collective response to such incidents.

Nikita’s Disappearance:

18-year-old Ukrainian refugee Nikita Boiarskyi moved to Winnipeg with his parents Oleksandr and Iryna in October 2022. On May 21, 2024, Nikita told his parents he was stepping out for just 5 minutes, but tragically never returned home. His family reported him missing to the Winnipeg Police Service that evening when they realized something was terribly wrong.

An extensive search was launched, with missing persons posters shared widely on social media and put up around the city. Nikita was described as 6 feet tall, 134 pounds with a thin build, blond hair and blue eyes.

Sadly, after over a week of searching, Nikita’s body was found at the Niakwa Country Club golf course on May 29. Police were able to confirm it was him through his unique tattoos and the clothing he was wearing when he disappeared. No foul play is suspected at this time. Nikita’s heartbroken parents have not been able to see his body yet and are awaiting further details on the cause and circumstances of his death.

Community Response During the Search:

The Ukrainian community and Winnipeg residents at large came together to try to locate Nikita, sharing his information extensively online. People volunteered to put up posters and go out searching in the areas he was last seen.

However, there were some critiques that the community could have done even more, such as organizing comprehensive search parties in a coordinated fashion, rather than leaving it up to individuals. Some felt that if a huge search had been arranged immediately, there was a chance Nikita could have been found alive. There were also questions around why it took so long for an official missing persons alert to be sent out.

On the other hand, people cautioned against assigning blame, noting that assigning fault is less productive than learning from this tragedy to improve response to missing persons cases in the future. The community did make a valiant effort to spread awareness and search for Nikita.

Supporting Nikita’s Parents and Others Dealing with Missing Loved Ones:

This is an unimaginable tragedy for Nikita’s parents and all who knew and loved him. Supporting them should be the first priority. Here are some suggestions:

Financial Support

  • Donate to the family’s GoFundMe to help cover funeral expenses and other costs related to the search/loss of their only child
  • The Ukrainian community could arrange for meals to be prepared and delivered to the family so they don’t need to worry about cooking while grieving

Emotional Support

  • Attend the funeral/memorial service for Nikita to show the family they are not alone
  • Offer condolences and a listening ear to Nikita’s parents, while being respectful if they need privacy to grieve
  • Connect them to counseling services and support groups for those who have lost a child
  • Continue to check in on them and commemorate Nikita’s memory even after the funeral

Steps to Support Nikita’s Parents and Others Dealing with Missing Persons

Immediate Action and Reporting:

  • Swift Reporting: Encourage immediate reporting of missing persons to authorities. Delays can be critical.
  • Community Alerts: Use social media, local news, and community networks to spread the word quickly.

Organized Search Efforts:

  • Volunteer Networks: Establish neighborhood-based volunteer groups ready to mobilize for search efforts.
  • Resource Distribution: Distribute flyers, posters, and social media posts with photos and details of the missing person.

Coordination with Authorities:

  • Liaison Role: Designate community liaisons to work with police and other authorities to ensure coordinated efforts.
  • Information Sharing: Facilitate the exchange of information between family, volunteers, and police.

Emotional and Logistical Support for Families:

  • Counseling Services: Connect families with grief counselors and support groups.
  • Logistical Help: Assist with organizing searches, managing media, and navigating legal procedures.
  • Financial Support: Set up fundraising campaigns to cover expenses related to searches, legal fees, and funerals.

Community Education and Training:

  • Awareness Campaigns: Regularly run public awareness campaigns on how to respond to missing person situations.
  • Training Sessions: Provide training on search techniques, communication protocols, and safety measures.

Youth Engagement and Support:

  • Support Groups: Create support groups for teenagers and young adults to help them deal with stress and mental health issues.
  • Activity Centers: Organize community centers or clubs where young people can engage in activities and build supportive relationships.

Public Awareness and Preparedness:

  • Preparedness Plans: Develop and share emergency response plans within the community.
  • Regular Drills: Conduct regular drills and practice sessions for search and rescue operations.

Resource Development and Sharing:

  • Guides and Toolkits: Develop comprehensive guides on the steps to take when someone goes missing.
  • Online Resources: Create online platforms for resource sharing, including contact lists for legal and counseling services.

Long-term Community Building

  • Strong Networks: Build strong community networks that foster trust and cooperation among residents.
  • Regular Meetings: Hold regular community meetings to discuss safety, preparedness, and support mechanisms.
  • Feedback Systems: Establish systems for collecting feedback and improving community response strategies.

By implementing these measures, the community can enhance its ability to respond effectively to missing person cases, provide robust support to affected families, and foster a safer, more connected environment for all members.


The loss of Nikita Boiarskyi is a tragedy that has deeply affected his family, friends, and the entire community. It is a poignant reminder that we must stand united in supporting those who are grieving and in working to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future. By implementing the steps outlined above, we can foster a more resilient, compassionate, and prepared community – one that is better equipped to respond swiftly and effectively when a loved one goes missing.

As we move forward, let us honour Nikita’s memory by strengthening our commitment to building a safer, more connected community. This includes supporting initiatives that promote mental health and well-being, especially among our youth and vulnerable populations. It also means actively participating in community-led efforts to enhance public awareness, emergency preparedness, and resource sharing.

To truly make a difference, we must approach this issue with empathy, understanding, and a unwavering determination to effect positive change. Together, we have the power to create a community where no family has to endure the pain of losing a loved one to a missing person case. Let us seize this opportunity to transform our collective grief into action, and work towards a future where all members of our community feel safe, supported, and valued.

Information used to prepare this post:

Oksana Burchak post 1:

Oksana Burchak post 2:

Abas, M. (2024, May 31). Body found at golf course was missing Ukrainian teen. Winnipeg Free Press.

Winnipeg Free Press. (2024, May 29). Man, 18, missing for a week.

A Community Toolkit: Supporting Families and Guiding Response to Missing Person Cases

English Version

Ukrainian Version

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